Disaster Relief Support, Izmir Protestant Church
Our clear and comprehensive plan for the disaster relief support
As the Izmir Protestant Church, we feel a responsibility to extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to our neighbors in need.
Fast Facts
Deaths: At least 49,495 people
Non-fatal injuries: At least 114,926 people
Displaced: At least 2.4 Millon people
People affected: At least 24M people
Buildings Destroyed: 6,589
Magnitude: 7.8
Phase 1: Immediate Help
In this phase, we will prioritize providing immediate needs to the affected area. We have already sent a relief pack on February 8 and are planning to send another one on February 13 through official organizations. We are financing this phase with our church budget and donations from our members, as well as sending a team of two or three individuals to the disaster zone to identify additional needs. This team will also aid Christians in the area, including a relief pack and further opportunities for aid as identified on-site.

Phase 2: Permanent Help
One of the biggest needs in the disaster zone is housing, as nearly all buildings were destroyed and it will take years to rebuild. We are hoping to work with Ahbap, a trusted non-governmental organization that has experience in building container-base houses in disaster zones, to build 80 container-base houses in total. Our plan is to build two villages, each consisting of 40 houses. For the Second Phase, we aim to raise $440,000 for 80 shipping container houses (in other words, two container house villages consisting of 40 houses) and the groundwork.
Phase 3: Continuous Help
In light of the widespread destruction, the affected people will require ongoing support, including medicine, food, and other basic necessities. Our goal is to continue to support these individuals, especially those who will reside in the container villages we hope to build. This will provide a significant opportunity for our witness to the surrounding community.

Phase 4: Reconstruction Help
While this phase may not be immediate, we hope to be prepared to assist in the rebuilding efforts of Christian homes and churches in the future. This is a tentative plan, as it is difficult to predict what the situation will be in the coming years.